Unlock the secrets of Google's latest TCF & CMP guidelines

Discover the intricacies of Google's evolving TCF & CMP guidelines with our exclusive 40+ page report. Crafted with meticulous research and expert insights, this comprehensive guide is designed to equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate the dynamic landscape of digital advertising. Stay ahead, stay informed.
Dive into TCF 2.2 Compliance Insights for FreeDive into TCF 2.2 Compliance Insights for Free
Why this Google TCF & CMP report is a must-have
The deadline has passed
New regulations from Google are on since Jan 16. You're risking significant ad revenue loss from Google sources if you're not compliant.
Setup and implementation
Benefit from 50+ hours of consultation with leading legal and industry experts, resulting in the most accurate and up-to-date insights.
CMP Evaluation
We've thoroughly evaluated 11 Google Certified CMPs based on key criteria to give you the best recommendations.
The deadline for compliance has passed
New regulations from Google are on since Jan 16. You're risking significant ad revenue loss from Google sources if you're not compliant.
From experts, for you
Benefit from 50+ hours of consultation with leading legal and industry experts, resulting in the most accurate and up-to-date insights.
Deep-dive CMP evaluation
We've thoroughly evaluated 11 Google Certified CMPs based on key criteria to give you the best recommendations.
What's inside of the report
Dive into TCF 2.2 Compliance Insights for FreeDive into TCF 2.2 Compliance Insights for free
Introduction & context
Setting the stage with an overview and the general backdrop of the current state of the industry.
TCF 2.2 deep dive
Comprehensive insights into the latest TCF requirements and glossary of key terms.
CMP insights
Steps for choosing the best Consent Management Platforms and their significance.
Industry practices & legal landscape
Understand real-world mobile game industry practices and navigate the legal considerations with ease.
Practical implementation
A step-by-step guide to applying the information from this report and ensuring compliance.
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What industry professionals said about the report
Joe Jordan
Head of Ad Revenue
GameBiz Consulting's TCF & CMP report provided the details we needed to clearly understand emerging compliance regulations. The detailed analysis and practical steps gave us a solid roadmap for our path forward. This report is packed with expert knowledge and real-world insights in an easily digestible and actionable format.
A comprehensive CMP comparison list
Navigating the myriad of Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) can be daunting. That's why we've included a detailed CMP Comparison List in our report. Here's what you'll get:
In-depth evaluation
Understand the strengths and weaknesses of each CMP, ensuring you make an informed decision tailored to your needs.
Contact information
Direct lines to key representatives, streamlining your outreach and facilitating potential partnerships.
Features breakdown
A clear overview of what each CMP offers, helping you identify platforms that align with your specific requirements.
Your path to TCF & CMP 
Fast-Track Your Compliance Journey
With publishers having until January 16, 2024, to align with the latest TCF & CMP requirements, the clock is ticking. Our report breaks down complex guidelines into actionable steps, helping you streamline the compliance process and avoid last-minute rushes. Don't wait until the deadline looms; start your journey to compliance today.
Learn More About TCF & CMP Changes
As digital advertising standards shift with the introduction of TCF 2.2, it's crucial to understand these guidelines in depth. This report provides a detailed breakdown backed by hours of research and interviews with legal and industry experts, ensuring your practices align with the latest requirements and industry standards.
Trusted by Industry Leaders
Join a growing list of professionals who have leveraged our insights to drive success. Your competitors might already be implementing these steps; don't be left behind.
Fast track your compliance journey
With publishers having until January 16, 2024, to align with the latest TCF & CMP requirements, the clock is ticking. Our report breaks down complex guidelines into actionable steps, helping you streamline the compliance process and avoid last-minute rushes. Don't wait until the deadline looms; start your journey to compliance today.
Learn more about TCF & CMP changes
As digital advertising standards shift with the introduction of TCF 2.2, it's crucial to understand these guidelines in depth. This report provides a detailed breakdown backed by hours of research and interviews with legal and industry experts, ensuring your practices align with the latest requirements and industry standards.
Trusted by industry leaders
Join a growing list of professionals who have leveraged our insights to drive success. Your competitors might already be implementing these steps; don't be left behind.
About GameBiz Consulting
Secure your free compliance blueprintSecure your free compliance blueprint
At GameBiz Consulting, our deep-rooted experience in the gaming industry positions us as your premier partner for ad monetization, user acquisition, and business development. Having collaborated with developers across 27 countries, we grasp the distinct challenges each region offers.

Our expert team is committed to optimizing your game or app's revenue and ensuring its successful promotion. While we handle significant revenues for clients, we also support smaller developers, frequently sharing insights on our website and at top gaming conferences to benefit the entire developer community.

What we get asked often

What is TCF 2.2?
TCF 2.2, or Transparency & Consent Framework version 2.2, is the latest version of the TCF standard created by the International Advertising Bureau (IAB). It sets guidelines and standards for the advertising industry, especially concerning data collection and processing.
Who should read this report?
Anyone looking to understand the transformative shifts in Google's latest TCF & CMP guidelines will benefit from this report. This includes game developers, advertisers, and businesses that rely on digital advertising and want to ensure they are compliant with the latest standards.
How does this report differ from other resources on TCF 2.2?
This report offers a unique blend of in-depth analysis, expert consultation, and real-world industry practices. It not only provides an overview of the latest TCF requirements but also evaluates Google Certified CMPs and offers insights from legal experts.
How can I get this report?
You can download the report directly from our website. You will receive a digital copy of the report in your email.
Why is TCF 2.2 important?
TCF 2.2 provides guidelines on how information about vendors should be presented to users, how much control should be given to the user, and how the user can manage their consent options over time. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that businesses remain compliant and avoid potential legal complications.
What are CMPs?
CMP stands for Consent Management Platform. It's a tool that enables companies, including game developers, to collect consent from customers in a manner that fulfills legal requirements and standards, including TCF.
Why are Google's protocols on TCF important?
Google's requirements concerning TCF have a significant impact on the advertising industry. Ensuring compliance with Google's guidelines is crucial for businesses that rely on digital advertising, especially given Google's dominant position in the online advertising ecosystem.
Are there any practical considerations for implementing TCF 2.2?
Yes, there are several practical considerations, such as the categories of data collected, retention periods, and the use of clear, user-friendly language. The report delves deeper into these considerations, providing a comprehensive guide for implementation.